Monday, February 15, 2016

Beyond Abortion, a New and Better Society--At the Stroke of a Pen

During this year's Super Bowl, a commercial depicted via ultrasound an unborn child reacting to his father eating Doritos as though it wanted some. A humorous attempt at selling a product.

But it took not even a day for NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League) to protest that the ad humanized the unborn child by assigning to it human emotion.  How dare Doritos portray such  humanizing emotion to a mass of cells, even though done unintentionally.  The fact it took just hours for them to rip this commercial should help the reader understand how much they fear people will catch on that those innocent unborn children are truly human.

Incidentally, these comments are not aimed at women who now realize they have been victimized by abortion.  My deepest sympathies to them.

Think about NARAL's view of the unborn:  A fetus isn't human, must never be thought of as a living being, and having no value, is subject to summary execution.  Nothing new here:  Throughout history the strong have traditionally devalued the weak and made them slaves or murdered them outright, often by decree.  Examples?  In early America, Africans were considered to be uneducable, and by such reasoning they were kidnaped and enslaved--often executed.  Jews, during the reign of the Nazis, were declared by the state to be untermensch.  The able-bodied were placed in labor camps to work until they collapsed, then disposed of.  The weak and sickly were sent immediately to the gas chambers.  In North Korea, even today, it's important to toe the party line, lest you and your family end up in a "reeducation camp."  If you don't play by the rules, think right thoughts, you're an enemy of the state.  If you're lucky, you make it out.  Many don't.

Do you see a pattern here?  Life is for normal people--you know, like you and me, subject to change, of course, without notice. Anyone who gets in the way is subject to whatever fate the prevailing power deems suitable.  Welcome to America. Welcome to abortion. Welcome to whatever might come next.

So where do we go from here?  Since we now know there is a thriving trade in the body parts of the unborn (they're not totally useless, after all),   I propose the following for the morally adaptable crowd:  There are thousands of Down's Syndrome children who have perfectly good hearts and lungs, etc., which could better serve those of us who are normal but in need.  And by ridding society of them or appropriating that which is useful to us, think of how much better our lives might be.

Or how about the mentally deficient?  Those with an I.Q.  score of, say, 70-90 might be assigned permanent jobs of menial labor serving the 'normal' people. Those with scores under 80, well...after all, they are a drain on society aren't they?  Hey, a better life for the rest of us.

And it would be so easy.  After all, the abortion issue was settled by legislation. So, too, the Final Solution.  Josef Mengele,  Margaret Sanger you would be so proud!!

Does reading this make you uneasy?  Relax, you're normal.  Today.