Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Issues Never In Doubt

Psalm 46:  "God is our refuge & strength an ever-present help in trouble.
              Therefore we will not fear."

Life on this planet has its moments of uncertainty, and one of those times in my life was in December 2008, just a few days before Christmas.  I was heading to work when my cell phone rang.  I answered it and a barely audible voice said, "Something's wrong with me."  It was my wife Christy, calling from the empty locker room of a nearby gym.  Now, Christy isn't a complainer, so I knew she must be very, very ill. I raced to the gym to find her suffering from a major heart attack.

Those days were so stressful, her life apparently so in doubt, that even as I write this, feelings of anxiety creep into my gut.  Thanks be to God, she recovered fully, and in looking back, I realized her survival was never really in doubt; it was part of God's will.  After she recovered, she told me that Psalm 46 was the scripture she held on to while alone in that room.

Calamities and reversals are a part of life, and outcomes aren't always what we want.  But nothing escapes God's eyes, ever.  Even when bad things happen, God  turns the results to fulfill his unshakable will.  He asks only for us to trust in Him.

To live is to have problems. No one gets a pass. Circumstances and reversals can derail the strongest believers with pain and discouragement and leave many unanswered questions--ask Job.  But in those times, reach out to God, and claim the promises He's put there for us in His Word. Call on your strong brothers and sisters for support.  We are promised refuge and strength, and an ever-present help in trouble.  With God, no issue is ever in doubt.

Monday, June 5, 2017

That Day of Days: 6/6/1944

Seventy-three years ago on June 6th, 2017, some of your fellow citizens--mostly young men--boarded landing craft and sailed across the English Channel to a place on the French coast called Normandy.  It was a stormy, bitter day.  Many of those young men are and will forever remain unknown to you because that day was their last day.  They fought and died there at the beginning of the Great Crusade which a year later crushed the Nazi death machine in Europe.  In many of those photos, a young face  is turned towards the camera. They gaze at us through the mists of time and it seems as though they look to us as if to say, "What will you do with this?"

Every year when the 6th of June comes up on the calendar I think about those men.  They weren't all brave.  They had their fears; many were plain afraid.  They understood--as only soldiers can--there might be no tomorrow; but they had their duty, and they did it.

Every one who can read this is a beneficiary of those men who that day and in the days that followed bought and preserved our freedom.  That's what makes it all so precious. That's what makes every crumb of our freedom worth fighting for.

June 6th, 1944 was a horrible day.  It was also a wonderful day.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Most Famous Prostitute In History

Recently I wrote an article that had to do with sex, and since it received so many hits, I’ve decided to continue in that vein with a short article about the most famous prostitute in history, and one who by her actions helped save a nation.  

Her name was Rahab, and she lived in the city of Jericho, about 40 miles northeast of Jerusalem.  Jericho was a walled city-state, and Rahab’s house was located on the city wall.  The Israelites, who at the time were looking to establish themselves in that land that had been promised them, were looking at how they might enter and defeat the armed forces of Jericho.  

Joshua, the leader of the Israelites, sent two spies into Jericho, and they found lodging in the house of Rahab the prostitute.  It wasn’t long before the King of Jericho got wind of the spies, and that they were staying in Rahab’s house, so he sent some of his men to threaten Rahab, and capture the spies.  But Rahab had taken the men and hidden them, and when the King’s men came, she misled them by telling them that yes, the men had been here but they had left just as the city gate was being closed for the night.  

Now, Rahab did this on her own; at this point she had merely protected the spies that had come into her city.  But now she asks something of the men:  “I know that the Lord has given you this land...for the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below...

“Now then, please swear to me by the Lord that you will show kindness to my family...that you will spare the lives of my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all who belong to them--and that you will save us from death.”  

The men assured her, “Our lives for your lives...if you don’t tell what we are doing, we will treat you kindly and faithfully, when the Lord gives us the land.”  And as the story unfolds, Rahab and her family were taken out of the city when it fell and were taken to the camp of the Israelites--a promise honored.  You can read the account for yourself in the book of Joshua, chapters 1through 6. 

Rahab the prostitute and her family was saved from destruction because she recognized the one true God, she acted on that belief, and she asked for mercy, which she received.  She looked forward in faith to the redemption that comes through Jesus Christ.  That’s the same grace and forgiveness that can you can have, if you want it.  

But that’s not quite all of the story.  Rahab is mentioned not just in this story in the Bible, but also in the first chapter of Matthew which lists her as one of the ancestors of Jesus Christ himself, in the book of Hebrews, and again in the book of James.  I don’t know how you count famous, but that’s about as good as it gets. 

I don’t know who reads this, but no matter who you are, or what you are doing or have done, there’s a place for you at the cross of Jesus Christ.  As the Old Book says, there’s no one who is righteous, but through the forgiveness of Jesus, who by his death washed your slate clean, you can also be forgiven, and enter into God’s eternal kingdom.  Read in the Bible John 3:16, and then the whole book of John. If you decide to accept this free gift, you too will get to hang out with the the most famous prostitute of all time in heaven.  See you there.