Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Unconventional Believers

A few months ago I gave money to a homeless guy who was soliciting funds at an intersection in Tempe.  A while back I gave some money to a young woman at a freeway onramp. And last week I gave money to Mike, a worn-out guy who shows up from time-to-time at 35th Avenue and Interstate 10.

I wasn't always generous towards the homeless, used to pass them up regularly with the idea they should 'get a job'. So why do I mention this?  Will I be remembered as being generous to the poor?  Probably not; an occasional buck or two or five isn't going to gain me any measure of recognition.  But it did make me think about those who are not like me.

Many people survive under difficult circumstances. Some of the body of Christ live on the streets. Not all of us are middle-class Americans, with green lawns and Toyotas.  It reminded me of the story Jesus told in Luke chapter 16 about Lazarus the beggar and the rich man who lived only for himself.

Lazarus was a homeless man who survived by begging at the city gate.  If  Lazarus was living today he'd be camped on a freeway overpass somewhere in Phoenix or some other big city with a cardboard sign that would say,  "Need work/Vietnam Vet/God Bless". Just another bum to many of us.

But when Lazarus died, he went to what's described as "Abraham's side".  The other guy in the story, the man with the lawn and a Lexus and status wound up in hell.

I'm not here to diss people with a green lawn and a Toyota or a Lexus (since I am one of them--minus the Lexus), but to draw attention to those people whom we perceive as not having value or merit, who are unvalued in this world. Next time you dismiss someone who is down and out by the side of the road, remember Lazarus.  Not much to look at, probably smelled, but he was God's child. Sure, some of these folks are on the take, or they may have made decisions that landed them out there. But let God work that out.  Be generous in the name of Christ.

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