Monday, June 2, 2014

Vacationing In a Lighthouse, Part II

Late last year (2013) I wrote that we were planning to go to Washington State in April to vacation as lighthouse keepers at the New Dungeness Lighthouse. Now I write to tell you of our experience.
The New Dungeness Lighthouse

The friends we had planned to go with had conflicts and couldn't make the trip, so it ended up being just my wife and myself.   Because of the logistics involved in flying to Seattle from Phoenix, then renting a car and driving from the airport to the Olympic Peninsula, we decided to drive the 1700 miles to Washington. We have relatives all along the Pacific Coast, so we were able to freeload off them the whole way, and we were also able to see our grandson.

After a few day's travel we arrived at the assembly station just outside of the town of Sequim, Washington where we met our fellow keepers for the first time: Dean and his daughter Krystal from eastern Washington, and Dean's older brother David, from Vancouver. Dean--who bears a striking resemblance to Jack Nicholson--is the unofficial historian of the lighthouse, so we spent the week well informed.

We were driven from the assembly station to the base of the Dungeness Spit and then along the steep, rocky beach in the association's four-wheel-drive vehicles. The spit itself is an oddity of nature. It's a narrow strip of sand and logs and rocks created by tidal action which extends out into the Straits of Juan de Fuca for over five miles. The lighthouse is at the far end of this finger The drive must be made at low tide; otherwise it's impassable. If you're not a keeper--you walk.

The lighthouse looks like a tiny chess piece in the distance when you start out, but it slowly grows as you get closer, and after a drive of about 20 minutes, you're there.

A View Towards the Mainland From the Lantern Room
The lighthouse has a long history. It was built in 1857, and originally all the keepers and their families were housed in the main building. A residence house was built in 1904 to facilitate additional keepers and their families, and this is where present day keepers stay.  The tower was originally over 90 feet tall, but cracks were discovered in the structure in the 1930's, so it was reduced to about 65 feet tall. Over the years a number of other structures have come and gone, like the fog horn building, a dock for ships to land provisions, and an observation tower built during World War II. The foundations for these and other structures remain, although the buildings themselves are long gone.

The keepers in the earliest days led a lifestyle divided somewhere between ho-hum routine and once-in-a-while terror, what with days of relative calm giving way to violent storms and the like. In the 1860's they were unwilling witnesses to a bloody battle on the spit between rival Indian tribes, which left the losing tribe massacred, save for one woman who was able to make her way to the lighthouse.

Storms occasionally wash over the spit, leaving the lighthouse on a temporary island.  And of course, every so often somebody runs a boat or a ship aground.

About twenty years ago the Coast Guard decided to board up the buildings and mechanize the light. Fortunately, an agreement was reached with the newly-formed New Dungeness Lighthouse Association to operate the light and maintain the grounds, and so it has been to this day. It has been a good arrangement which has kept the facility free from vandalism.

This was our first turn as lighthouse keepers, but not our first visit.  We hiked out in 1997 on an anniversary trip, and I made the trek with friends in 1961 as a twelve-year-old, my signature in the Coast Guard log book bearing witness.

The Author Holding the Lighthouse Log Book Which He
Signed in 1961 on His First Visit
Our time there in April was rather chilly for us Arizonans, but we did fine.  We got a lot of reading done, as well as walking and talking. The comfortable and nicely-furnished house has one bedroom on the ground floor, two upstairs and yet another in the basement.  A small library and  reading room upstairs is well stocked with books of all kinds--including not a few about lighthouses. There are puzzles and games for those so inclined, and the basement has a pool table. The kitchen is spacious and modern, with all sorts of gadgets and utensils.  If you go hungry, it's only because you're on a diet, or you didn't bring enough food.

Our stay passed quickly, and I don't say that lightly, as I am easily bored.  But there's so much to take in and to do.  In the span of seven short days we observed seals and whales and a variety of birds, including bald eagles.  Ships large and small pass day and night, and identifying them is interesting pastime. The whole spit is a wildlife refuge and bald eagles are very common, as are many varieties of shorebirds. We spotted a whale one day, as well as seals and although we didn't observe any, skunks, foxes and otters are occasionally seen.

 Magical and timeless--that's the best description I can give.   The property is well documented in photographs, and it's a joy to gaze at a century-plus of  photos of the keepers and their families, as well as handprints and initials and dates pressed into the cement in various places on the grounds. Now we're a part of that lineage.

Our duties included giving tours of the lighthouse, and maintaining the building and grounds.  There was some brass to polish, a rather large lawn to mow, and a bit of housekeeping, but nothing too strenuous or time consuming.

One of Many Ships Which Make their Way Through
The Straits of Juan de Fuca
There's a signpost near the beach which greets visitors as they come onto the property.  One sign points back to the mainland, and says 'reality'.  the other points towards the lighthouse, and it is marked 'serenity'. I suppose that sums up the essence of the place.  But I came close to finding a hammer and making both signs point towards the light; and that about sums it up.


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